The DIY Dry Erase Board

Dry erase boards can cost you a fortune and replacing them is an expensive deal , specially if you are a parent or professional. It is no given rule to hang a boring store bought  board at your workplace, home or office. Now you can create your own personalized and considerably cheap board with high quality without any hassles.

Below is a simple guide to DIY dry erase board that you will absolutely adore.

Excellent dry erase boards possess certain standards among which non-porous surface comes on top of the list. A non-porous surface is a thick coating of a chemical substance which prevents the tiny droplets of ink from getting absorbed into the surface such as wooden planks or walls. Therefore, you need to get a product which resists the absorption of the ink. You can use Create Paint due to its shielding properties and the thick texture that it provides when applied.

The type of surface you wish to have for your dry erase board depends entirely upon your  choice. Frequently used surfaces are walls, glass sheets and hard wood planks. Choose any of the above and lightly sand the surface with a grit sandpaper to have a perfectly smooth target area.

To achieve best results, use a white primer of any trusted brand before painting the surface with Create Paint White. After you are done applying the primer , leave the surface to dry for a couple of hours. It’s best to keep it in some airy part of your home or workshop so it dries up completely , leaving behind no wet spots.

When the surface is dried , its now time to prepare your Create Paint and coat the surface. The kit comes as a two-part mixture. The container with a P mentioned on it should be mixed into the one that has a C on it. Once mixed, the substance need to be shaken strongly for at least 90 seconds and no more than 3 minutes. It is strongly advised to follow the mixing instructions in order to avoid any consistency issues with the paint. Pour the mixture into a stainless steel paint tray,dip a roller brush and start coating your surface. Make sure to apply coats with fast and steady hand if you plan to add more than one coat of the paint.

Viola, you’re done. Let the board sit for 3-4 days before using it. The advantage of using Create Paint for your DIY dry erase board is that it can be easily wiped using even baby wipes or any dry eraser.

Apart from creating a DIY dry erase board, you can also just put it on your walls and let your kids use their colorful creative imaginations within the secure limits. It can also be used in your office meeting halls and conference rooms where ideas need to be discussed and displayed to a wider audience.

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